Ficosa receives the Eureka label of R&D for its telematic project with OriginGPS

The platform recently made the announcement in Turkey

Viladecavalls (Barcelona), 19th June 2013.- Ficosa has achieved the Eureka label, “a stamp of quality”, that validates the intergovernmental initiative for the R&D Eureka promotion. In an event celebrated recently in Turkey, the Spanish multinational has obtained the recognition of one of their projects for being orientated to the development of a product, with clear commercial interest in the international market and based on innovative technologies.

Eureka is composed of a network of countries that are especially interested in the R&D promotion and initiative policies. Founded in 1985, at present, 40 countries are members of the Programme, plus the European Union as a full member. Spain is one of the founding countries.

Jointly, Eureka promotes and offers support to the companies, universities and investigation centers. Every two years, also gives strategic opportunities and advices for the countries.

The Project, in which FICOSA works together with the company OriginGPS, shows the first telematic unit integrating a multiservice receptor module that gives support to the positioning standards and the satellite navigation.

The major advantage of this technological innovation is that the proposed multi-channel GPS/GALILEO/GLONASS/BEIDOU/QZSS avoids that car manufacturers have to deal with different versions of the iVTUs (in Vehicle Telematic Unit), necessary for the emergency calls according to the geographic market.

This project has also received the support of ACC1Ó.

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