About 700 children from all over the world have participated in this year’s traditional Children’s Drawing Contest Christmas organized by FICOSA every year to celebrate the Christmas holidays. The contest is open to all sons/daughters and nieces/nephews – up to 14 years – of the Group’s employees. In this edition, the number XI, children from 11 different countries participated: United States, Mexico, Brazil, Portugal, Spain, Germany, France, Italy, Poland, China and Turkey.
The winners of this year were Cristina Huertas (Ficosa Soria, Spain) in the category 8 to 14 years old and Maria Julia dos Santos (Ficosa do Brasil), in the category of 0 to 7 years old. Maria Julia was the youngest participant this year with only 4 months old. The drawings of Cristina and Maria Julia, illustrate the company’s Christmas card this year. All children who participated in the contest will receive a gift.