Viladecavalls Technology Centre

February 23rd, 2018
Ficosa wins five important contracts for battery management systems for the Chinese market
With these significant achievements in China, the company consolidates its technological expansion and further strengthens its position in this market These orders, from two Tier-1 automobile manufacturers, are valued at over €200 million and will be used for electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles These solutions will be developed at the Viladecavalls Technology Centre and produced
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November 28th, 2017
Ficosa closes its first contract for rotary shift-by-wire system
The order, valued in €34.5 million, comes from an Asian automobile manufacturer and allows the company to add a new product to its portfolio As added value, in addition to the rotary selector, for this project Ficosa is also supplying the whole system, including the electronic control unit (ECU) and gearbox actuator (GBA) Ficosa has
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