FPS – Ficosa Purchasing System

FPS – Ficosa Purchasing System

The FPS is Ficosa’s Global Integrated Purchasing Management System, which is based on an Optimal Purchasing Panel and its development, as well as all other purchasing processes such as supplier assignment, component approval, and supplier follow-up and development.

We seek suppliers with high added value with whom we can share projects and know-how, in order to contribute to the satisfaction of our customers and to technological, qualitative and economic growth.

Purchasing Strategy

Ficosa Purchasing strategy is to ensure Ficosa competitiveness for the products and services bought, ensuring the availability of technology and innovation, performance, sustainability and reduction of complexity. All this at a competitive cost and being managed by a highly talented team.

Supplier Assignment

Ficosa has implemented a sourcing and parts assignment system on its website. This assignment system allows us to give the necessary support to both the purchaser and to materials and services. The purchasing process patterns ensures requests for quotations and comparatives are uniform. The online process management and supplier involvement promotes efficiency and increases the buyers’ productivity. Users can access the process information, which is stored in an information data repository, from anywhere in the world.

Component Approval

This is the system that allows us to match customers’ requests to our products’ characteristics and, consequently, to our suppliers’ products.
This validation standards system ensures a common Programme for all the Group’s centres.

Supplier Evaluation

Supplier performance is key to our success. We have implemented a continuous performance follow up to monitor Quality, Logistics, and Project Development’s performance as well as their competitiveness and risk management.

Supplier Development

Ficosa, jointly with our suppliers, works towards continuous improvement in customer satisfaction and competitive excellence is our ultimate aim. With this objective in mind, Ficosa implements activities and specific improvement plans in conjunction with suppliers.

Purchasing Optimum Panel

In this process, we define who Ficosa suppliers are and we manage all relevant supplier requirements here too.

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